Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Periods are stupid...and uncomfortable.... and stupid. 

As usual, my ritual of complaining non-stop on the first day of my period is living long and going strong! I spent the most of my day sitting as still as possible, trying not to cause any waterfalls. Stupid period. First days are the complete worse. If I could kill someone. I would. And that person would be Leonard. Annoying piece of chinese boi.

Periods -let me describe it this way- is the gateway to hell. Well, maybe just the first day. For me. It's like this nagging pain and annoyance and the uncomfortableness and on top of all that are the extra hormones. God damn it. And I always get into a super bad mood. Today, I was in Geography class and I sat at Michelle's place because it was warmer there but I never moved back to my seat. I used my phone quite openly in class and didn't even bother to crack open the textbook. That's just how much I don't care about the world when I'm on the first day of my period.

Me on the first day of my period: So this is what hell is like..

Good news is: Sie Min got her period too! So we're now synchronized! Our bodies have adapted so that we've synced up. I am very happy. Sie min even commented, "Others do synchronized diving, but we do synchronized periods." HAHA. I laughed at that one. That little devil. 

I know, I know. Im rambling. About my period..

Very sorry, readers.

Saff is here right now actually. She came over to use my computer and print out something. We spent 40 minutes looking for the correct font. We eventually gave up. We got nowhere.

Not much happened today, except the devil sent me a present. Other than that, it was a pretty average day. Pretty annoyed at someone though. Really think I should talk less to that person from now on. Talking to that person just gives me a headache and gets me more flustered. God. I wish Supernatural's new season would just come out already.

Not that I like their new seasons very much. I prefer seasons 1 through 5 yet I still can't stop watching. I'm too drawn in by the characters. 

That one's labeled as "Dean's beautiful smile" Well, erm yeah. The characters are the real draw-in in this show....

And they're just as adorable when they're not playing Dean and Sam Winchester. 

Look at them. Laughing over a spoon. Adorable, no?


It's not my fault that most of my love goes to tv shows that I obsess over.

See, I talked about tv shows. Just like I said I would do in my first post. I like to do that.

Guys, I know what I'm majoring in. Tv shows studies. Requires the knowledge of knowing how to explain feels. Not like those other beginners. You cannot explain a feel by saying, "ASDFGHJKL". Nope. You have to explain it with words. I so do that all the time. It's freaking hilarious how much I do it.

So that's my ramble of the day. See how it started with a real point and went onto the most ridiculous shit ever? Yeah me too.

Don't worry, I know I do it.

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Goodbye readers!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Okay! First Post.

Made this blog because stupid other brown girl, Rachel didn't want to make one alone. But of course I agreed to make one with her and off we went to create these blogs!

Currently watching an old season of The Simpsons while writing this blog post. For the rest of the blog posts I'm probably going to be just talking about tv shows that I love! Haha. What a sad story. For me and for YOU! Yes you, the person reading this blog.

The Simpsons is sometimes just hilarious. Sometimes not. It's funny how the simpsons love to insult their own channel, probably because they think they can get away with it. It is an american favorite. It's impossible to get rid of them! They're on they're 23rd season and still going strong!

See what I mean?! Talking about shows, pfft.

I haven't even picked a proper url for this blog. Currently its called, "the apple pie life". Of course, the idea came from Supernatural. Haha.

This is so much better than studying for Science though. Spent the one week of holidays sitting at a table beside the swimming pool on a hot day (this image sounds nice, but it's not when you have to study!) reading 10 science folios and doing little notes with my notepad. I used yellow notepads for Biology, Red for Chemistry and Blue for Physics. Why didn't I use Green for Biology? Well, because i started off thinking oh yeah, I can do all these notes with one notes pad. Boy was I wrong. I took three. Three GIANT notes pads of that stuff. Stupid science. Grumbles a lot.

Haha, first post? Success? No? Hmm. I feel like I'm writing in my English Journal. But the English Journal has a limit. I can cheat and do a one sentence post here! Mwahah. Take that, Ms Alexis!

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