Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I feel like blogs are really used for expressing yourself (aka complaining)

And that's exactly what i'm going to do today.

Sorry if I was ever not there for you. I blame myself. I can't keep this shit together. I can't help it. So please don't think i hate you or that im not interested in being your friend or whatever anymore. I just can't handle everyone. I'm pretty much just a sucky friend. NO ONE SHOULD BE FRIENDS WITH ME. I will only bring them down. Too bad I can't do that. Im too extrovert for everyone. I float around my friends in an endless cycle. I try to make time for everyone but it's just so damn bloody hard.

I just feel bad. So bad. I don't want you to feel left out. I know you've been feeling that lately and I know its hard for you. You feel like no one wants to talk to you, or that no one can understand you, but always know I will come back to you and be your friend. Because, that's exactly what I will do. I will always be your friend and I will always be your boomerang.

It's me, not you.

This Song (click me)

NOW, LET ME MAKE YOU A POEM. THE AWESOMEST BESTEST POEM. Better than Rachel's (http://the-beautifulmonster.blogspot.com)

Your face is a oval shape of purple,
and your cats just do not like you more than turtles,
but near or far or wherever you are, there will always be a cat,
that loves you more than that rat.

You're welcome.

Remember to leave a comment below!

Goodbye readers!


  1. What lah. You are the best shiz friend ever <3 and beautiful ass poem. You can be a poet too, like rachel :)

  2. Haha! Love your poem ;) yeah you best shitty friend ever! <3
