Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Well screw you all.

Bad day, very bad day.

People forget that sometimes I can get sad too. But maybe they don't care because im not serious enough to be sad, or maybe they probably think i'm sad for some stupid reason? Maybe. 

At the end of the day I felt better though, but I did hurt my back in netball. I'm so careless haha.

Not in the mood to blog or any of this. It's weird. I don't even feel like I can express my feelings on this blog. It just feels... scary. Sometimes I think it makes me look weak and sometimes i feel like no one really cares, anyway. Everyone has their own problems, why do you wanna hear mine, right? I mean that's just me. I don't feel that way when other people do it for some reason.

Haha just deleted a post on twitter. Scared people will think im some loser who is posting sad things. Cause like seriously, why should i complain about my mother fudging life when I have a roof to live under and food to eat. Why should I complain about my petty feelings. It's just going to take up space on other's timeline or whatever.

I'm insecure on twitter..... and my own blog. God, im hilarious.

Well, now im resting with a hot pack on my back. I'm just gonna do some homework and watch the incredibles now.

Byebye blog.

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