Monday, September 3, 2012

Told ya' so

So basically, I haven't updated. Haha. I knew it. I knew I wouldn't update everyday! (see, I even bet against myself)

Anyways, I'm actually blogging from my car. I don't know what about car drives that I love so much. I wasn't even one of those babies who needed to be put to sleep with a car drive. I was an angel baby.

Back to the car drives. I think I love them cause I just get to escape everything at home, in my room. Theres just a lot of pressure to do things there. Plus, i get distracted byte computer. Heheh.

I love car drives. Currently in the car with mum and dad. Speaking of them, they were pressuring me into making an apple pie for completely no reason. I guess they just really wanted pie. Well, none of us have ever made lie before so I was a bit reluctant and scared. What if I screwed it up. My dad was really wanting pie. It was incredibly random. It's okay though because after an hour of making the dough and filling, I set the pie in a pan and put it into an over.

It was supposed to take 50 minutes to bake but I turned out to take two hours. My oven is great.

Even after two hours the dough on top didn't looked cooked enough but it sort of turned out really delicious. Ate some with creamy vanilla ice cream too. Delicious. My dad gobbled up everything and I had none left to bring to school. Pity. Actually, I pity my friends. That was some delicious ads pie.

Oh guys. This is a few minutes later after posting the original post. I just realised that my blog URL is about apple pie! And I wrote about... Apple pie.... Yeah that wasnt all that interesting.

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Goodbyes readers!