Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Let's Talk.

Today, didn't suck but for some reason I am very upset. About what? I do not know. I guess I just am. At times I just laugh that im sad, but then i realise i'm sad, so I just get sad. Am i making sense? Cause I don't think so.

I think i absorb peoples moods. I should have a super power like that or something. FEELABSORBER TO THE RESCUE.

SCENARIO 1: A man is about to jump off the ledge of his building when FEELABSORBER comes. FEELABDORBER absorbs the feels of the man and talks it out with him. Man feels better, doesn't jump off cliff and FEELABSORBER has saved the day. Woop Dee Doo.

SCENARIO 2: No screw this. My imagination is too screwedd up.


So basiacally, I feel shitty for no reason. Maybe there is a reason, but I really don't wanna think about it. I FEEL LIKE ALL MY PROBLEMS WILL BE SOLVED IF I DO NOT THINK ABOUT IT OR ACT ON IT.

But there are some days where I will spill out my entire life story to anyone who listens. I guess people need that sometime. It's nice to know what other people think about your own situation.

We had art today, it was fantastic, mine was so fugly my teacher was like, " No, that doesn't look nice". THANKS BRO. But its cool, she fixed it for me, it looked better after that i guess. My painting strokes were so different from everyone's. I feel special. CAN I BE PICASSO NOW. I CAN JUST SAY ITS ABSTRACT OR SOME SHIT.

I really wanna be sick. Don't feel like going to school tomorrow. I miss the weekend. I liked my saturday with no one in the house wile chatting with friends. I liked my Sunday which I spent with my dad and brother. I bought more cereal..... This is my fifth box of a different cereal this month. I swear, I don't even know where half of it goes. I think it's my brother, or maybe im just mindlessly eating all my cereal.

Whatever. Wow, I am rambling. It's okay. I like to type out my thoughts. Is it weird that I talk to myself sometimes. I have these mini debates with myself in my head. I don't even notice it until im starting to text someone else or something and I have to interrupt my conversation with my self for an ACTUAL conversation.

I bet no one is going to read about my oh so fascinating post. It's just too much for them to handle. All the drama.

It's okay. I'll read it one day and be like, Nadine, you are a fudging weirdo. Yes, yes I am. Then I will go on for the whole night, not sleeping about how much I weird myself out then try to cahnge my entire personality but then it doesn't work so I end up being my weirdo, retarded self. I do not understand how people like me, let alone want to be my friend.

I think I'd be freaked out by me. NAH, Me would like Supernatural. I like people who like Supernatural.

This is one long ass post. Can I tell you about a poem I made whilst on my way home. Usually, on my way home i listen to music and mindlessly look out the window, but today my phone did not have battery, so i made a little poem in my head. I even made it rhyme. Preeeeety sure it sucked.


Okay, so I just wrote it all out, but I kinda accidentally deleted it. No joke. I'm that cool.
Bad Luck Nadine? Yep. Yeppydeedooha.

Anyways, it's not like anyone will read this. It's for me. Not for you. Well, maybe a little for you. I hope few people see this.

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