Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Let's Talk.

Today, didn't suck but for some reason I am very upset. About what? I do not know. I guess I just am. At times I just laugh that im sad, but then i realise i'm sad, so I just get sad. Am i making sense? Cause I don't think so.

I think i absorb peoples moods. I should have a super power like that or something. FEELABSORBER TO THE RESCUE.

SCENARIO 1: A man is about to jump off the ledge of his building when FEELABSORBER comes. FEELABDORBER absorbs the feels of the man and talks it out with him. Man feels better, doesn't jump off cliff and FEELABSORBER has saved the day. Woop Dee Doo.

SCENARIO 2: No screw this. My imagination is too screwedd up.


So basiacally, I feel shitty for no reason. Maybe there is a reason, but I really don't wanna think about it. I FEEL LIKE ALL MY PROBLEMS WILL BE SOLVED IF I DO NOT THINK ABOUT IT OR ACT ON IT.

But there are some days where I will spill out my entire life story to anyone who listens. I guess people need that sometime. It's nice to know what other people think about your own situation.

We had art today, it was fantastic, mine was so fugly my teacher was like, " No, that doesn't look nice". THANKS BRO. But its cool, she fixed it for me, it looked better after that i guess. My painting strokes were so different from everyone's. I feel special. CAN I BE PICASSO NOW. I CAN JUST SAY ITS ABSTRACT OR SOME SHIT.

I really wanna be sick. Don't feel like going to school tomorrow. I miss the weekend. I liked my saturday with no one in the house wile chatting with friends. I liked my Sunday which I spent with my dad and brother. I bought more cereal..... This is my fifth box of a different cereal this month. I swear, I don't even know where half of it goes. I think it's my brother, or maybe im just mindlessly eating all my cereal.

Whatever. Wow, I am rambling. It's okay. I like to type out my thoughts. Is it weird that I talk to myself sometimes. I have these mini debates with myself in my head. I don't even notice it until im starting to text someone else or something and I have to interrupt my conversation with my self for an ACTUAL conversation.

I bet no one is going to read about my oh so fascinating post. It's just too much for them to handle. All the drama.

It's okay. I'll read it one day and be like, Nadine, you are a fudging weirdo. Yes, yes I am. Then I will go on for the whole night, not sleeping about how much I weird myself out then try to cahnge my entire personality but then it doesn't work so I end up being my weirdo, retarded self. I do not understand how people like me, let alone want to be my friend.

I think I'd be freaked out by me. NAH, Me would like Supernatural. I like people who like Supernatural.

This is one long ass post. Can I tell you about a poem I made whilst on my way home. Usually, on my way home i listen to music and mindlessly look out the window, but today my phone did not have battery, so i made a little poem in my head. I even made it rhyme. Preeeeety sure it sucked.


Okay, so I just wrote it all out, but I kinda accidentally deleted it. No joke. I'm that cool.
Bad Luck Nadine? Yep. Yeppydeedooha.

Anyways, it's not like anyone will read this. It's for me. Not for you. Well, maybe a little for you. I hope few people see this.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Saturday. The day with no one.

I haven't really been updating this blog. I'm not one to continue with something. I felt bad for not updating so I decided to blog about my lifeless Saturday. Typing this out I realised maybe I shoulddddn't blog about this.
Ah whatever. It's started and I shall continue!!!
So, Kaeshen went for some school field trip, ash went to record some song, mum is in the uk and dad went to malacca. Basically you must e thinking. OH YEAHH. PARTY DAY. No. I spent my time complaining that I was lonely. I'm a cool teen. It wasn't that bad. Leonard and I started talking about good lookin people from other schools. But it turns out we have very different opinions about who is hot and who is not.
I still think Michael is not and Ellie is all right.
I watched like four movies yesterday. My checkpoints are in a months. What am I doing with my laifeeeee.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Well screw you all.

Bad day, very bad day.

People forget that sometimes I can get sad too. But maybe they don't care because im not serious enough to be sad, or maybe they probably think i'm sad for some stupid reason? Maybe. 

At the end of the day I felt better though, but I did hurt my back in netball. I'm so careless haha.

Not in the mood to blog or any of this. It's weird. I don't even feel like I can express my feelings on this blog. It just feels... scary. Sometimes I think it makes me look weak and sometimes i feel like no one really cares, anyway. Everyone has their own problems, why do you wanna hear mine, right? I mean that's just me. I don't feel that way when other people do it for some reason.

Haha just deleted a post on twitter. Scared people will think im some loser who is posting sad things. Cause like seriously, why should i complain about my mother fudging life when I have a roof to live under and food to eat. Why should I complain about my petty feelings. It's just going to take up space on other's timeline or whatever.

I'm insecure on twitter..... and my own blog. God, im hilarious.

Well, now im resting with a hot pack on my back. I'm just gonna do some homework and watch the incredibles now.

Byebye blog.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

I feel like blogs are really used for expressing yourself (aka complaining)

And that's exactly what i'm going to do today.

Sorry if I was ever not there for you. I blame myself. I can't keep this shit together. I can't help it. So please don't think i hate you or that im not interested in being your friend or whatever anymore. I just can't handle everyone. I'm pretty much just a sucky friend. NO ONE SHOULD BE FRIENDS WITH ME. I will only bring them down. Too bad I can't do that. Im too extrovert for everyone. I float around my friends in an endless cycle. I try to make time for everyone but it's just so damn bloody hard.

I just feel bad. So bad. I don't want you to feel left out. I know you've been feeling that lately and I know its hard for you. You feel like no one wants to talk to you, or that no one can understand you, but always know I will come back to you and be your friend. Because, that's exactly what I will do. I will always be your friend and I will always be your boomerang.

It's me, not you.

This Song (click me)

NOW, LET ME MAKE YOU A POEM. THE AWESOMEST BESTEST POEM. Better than Rachel's (http://the-beautifulmonster.blogspot.com)

Your face is a oval shape of purple,
and your cats just do not like you more than turtles,
but near or far or wherever you are, there will always be a cat,
that loves you more than that rat.

You're welcome.

Remember to leave a comment below!

Goodbye readers!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Told ya' so

So basically, I haven't updated. Haha. I knew it. I knew I wouldn't update everyday! (see, I even bet against myself)

Anyways, I'm actually blogging from my car. I don't know what about car drives that I love so much. I wasn't even one of those babies who needed to be put to sleep with a car drive. I was an angel baby.

Back to the car drives. I think I love them cause I just get to escape everything at home, in my room. Theres just a lot of pressure to do things there. Plus, i get distracted byte computer. Heheh.

I love car drives. Currently in the car with mum and dad. Speaking of them, they were pressuring me into making an apple pie for completely no reason. I guess they just really wanted pie. Well, none of us have ever made lie before so I was a bit reluctant and scared. What if I screwed it up. My dad was really wanting pie. It was incredibly random. It's okay though because after an hour of making the dough and filling, I set the pie in a pan and put it into an over.

It was supposed to take 50 minutes to bake but I turned out to take two hours. My oven is great.

Even after two hours the dough on top didn't looked cooked enough but it sort of turned out really delicious. Ate some with creamy vanilla ice cream too. Delicious. My dad gobbled up everything and I had none left to bring to school. Pity. Actually, I pity my friends. That was some delicious ads pie.

Oh guys. This is a few minutes later after posting the original post. I just realised that my blog URL is about apple pie! And I wrote about... Apple pie.... Yeah that wasnt all that interesting.

Remember to leave a comment below!

Goodbyes readers!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Periods are stupid...and uncomfortable.... and stupid. 

As usual, my ritual of complaining non-stop on the first day of my period is living long and going strong! I spent the most of my day sitting as still as possible, trying not to cause any waterfalls. Stupid period. First days are the complete worse. If I could kill someone. I would. And that person would be Leonard. Annoying piece of chinese boi.

Periods -let me describe it this way- is the gateway to hell. Well, maybe just the first day. For me. It's like this nagging pain and annoyance and the uncomfortableness and on top of all that are the extra hormones. God damn it. And I always get into a super bad mood. Today, I was in Geography class and I sat at Michelle's place because it was warmer there but I never moved back to my seat. I used my phone quite openly in class and didn't even bother to crack open the textbook. That's just how much I don't care about the world when I'm on the first day of my period.

Me on the first day of my period: So this is what hell is like..

Good news is: Sie Min got her period too! So we're now synchronized! Our bodies have adapted so that we've synced up. I am very happy. Sie min even commented, "Others do synchronized diving, but we do synchronized periods." HAHA. I laughed at that one. That little devil. 

I know, I know. Im rambling. About my period..

Very sorry, readers.

Saff is here right now actually. She came over to use my computer and print out something. We spent 40 minutes looking for the correct font. We eventually gave up. We got nowhere.

Not much happened today, except the devil sent me a present. Other than that, it was a pretty average day. Pretty annoyed at someone though. Really think I should talk less to that person from now on. Talking to that person just gives me a headache and gets me more flustered. God. I wish Supernatural's new season would just come out already.

Not that I like their new seasons very much. I prefer seasons 1 through 5 yet I still can't stop watching. I'm too drawn in by the characters. 

That one's labeled as "Dean's beautiful smile" Well, erm yeah. The characters are the real draw-in in this show....

And they're just as adorable when they're not playing Dean and Sam Winchester. 

Look at them. Laughing over a spoon. Adorable, no?


It's not my fault that most of my love goes to tv shows that I obsess over.

See, I talked about tv shows. Just like I said I would do in my first post. I like to do that.

Guys, I know what I'm majoring in. Tv shows studies. Requires the knowledge of knowing how to explain feels. Not like those other beginners. You cannot explain a feel by saying, "ASDFGHJKL". Nope. You have to explain it with words. I so do that all the time. It's freaking hilarious how much I do it.

So that's my ramble of the day. See how it started with a real point and went onto the most ridiculous shit ever? Yeah me too.

Don't worry, I know I do it.

Remember to leave a comment below!

Goodbye readers!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Okay! First Post.

Made this blog because stupid other brown girl, Rachel didn't want to make one alone. But of course I agreed to make one with her and off we went to create these blogs!

Currently watching an old season of The Simpsons while writing this blog post. For the rest of the blog posts I'm probably going to be just talking about tv shows that I love! Haha. What a sad story. For me and for YOU! Yes you, the person reading this blog.

The Simpsons is sometimes just hilarious. Sometimes not. It's funny how the simpsons love to insult their own channel, probably because they think they can get away with it. It is an american favorite. It's impossible to get rid of them! They're on they're 23rd season and still going strong!

See what I mean?! Talking about shows, pfft.

I haven't even picked a proper url for this blog. Currently its called, "the apple pie life". Of course, the idea came from Supernatural. Haha.

This is so much better than studying for Science though. Spent the one week of holidays sitting at a table beside the swimming pool on a hot day (this image sounds nice, but it's not when you have to study!) reading 10 science folios and doing little notes with my notepad. I used yellow notepads for Biology, Red for Chemistry and Blue for Physics. Why didn't I use Green for Biology? Well, because i started off thinking oh yeah, I can do all these notes with one notes pad. Boy was I wrong. I took three. Three GIANT notes pads of that stuff. Stupid science. Grumbles a lot.

Haha, first post? Success? No? Hmm. I feel like I'm writing in my English Journal. But the English Journal has a limit. I can cheat and do a one sentence post here! Mwahah. Take that, Ms Alexis!

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Goodbye readers!